2025 SUMMER CAMPS Registration is open for the 2025 summer camp season.


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2025 SUMMER CAMPS Registration is open for the 2025 summer camp season.
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Homemade Roomba

Every parent knows the importance of investing in their child’s education because it will pay off in the long run. Now, I’m all for giving their child the best possible opportunities for success. But, what about today. Now thanks to Classroom Antics and LEGO Mindstorm NXT you don’t have to wait for the payoff.


In a LEGO Mindstorm NXT Robotics class, children learn how to build and program a homemade Roomba. They develop multiple robots that walk, talk, see and hear. Kids use computers to program how the robots move and react to the sensors. I know your thinking, great, but how does that help me. Well with these new skills, you will save hours of cleaning time.


“How?” you ask.


The video below shows how the concoction of a LEGO Mindstorms NXT robotics kit and kitchen Swiffer dry mop pad, makes a homemade Roomba. That clean the floor of mom’s house one might say even better. Not bad, not bad indeed. Game. Set. Match.

