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Reasons to Love Tech Camp

We have compiled a list of 13 reasons to love tech camp, but the answers aren’t ones that we have made up. We pulled together the list from some of the amazing testimonials that parents and kids have given after attending tech camp.


List of 13 Reasons


Don’t just take our word for it. These reasons to love Summer Tech Camps below are from kids that have attended tech camp in the past.

  1. You get to try new things!
  2. Meet new friends just like me!
  3. The cool camp t-shirt I get to wear all summer!
  4. Design an awesome Pac Man video game with rocket ships!
  5. Produce the next movie sequel to Ice Age!
  6. Write a computer program to do my homework!
  7. Build a LEGO robot that walks the dog!
  8. All the fun learning, none of the homework!
  9. Your best friends today, you met at summer camp!
  10. You get a full week of happy memories.
  11. Develop life-long skills you’ll need when you get a “real job”.
  12. Learn great life skills like critical thinking and reasoning skills.
  13. It’s so much fun!


Add Your Reasons to Love Tech Camp


We would love to add your reasons why to love Summer Tech Camp to our list. If you are a past camper just sent us your thoughts in a contact us form. If you haven’t yet joined us in a Tech Camp please enroll today so you can experience all of the great programs we have to offer. Summer is a great season to be a kid and a great time to go to Tech Camp.

