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LEGO Speed Build – EV3 Driving Base Beat the Clock!

LEGO Speed Build – Watch as one of our teachers builds the base for her LEGO EV3 Robotics Kit as fast as she can!


What is a LEGO Speed Build?

LEGO Speed builds are videos of people building LEGO creations that are sped up past real-time. While you can try to build the LEGO creation as fast as you can while you are taping the video, a speed build is more about getting from box open to built in half the time it really took the builder to make. These are done for the enjoyment of the viewer so they can anticipate what the final build is going to be without spending all the time watching each step in real-time. The video is sped up 5x.


Learning in Camp Starts Day 1

If your child is attending LEGO Robotics camp for 10-13-year-olds this summer, this is a neat preview for them. This speed build shows the basic robot that is built on the first day. Then, there are a number of sensors and accessories added to allow the robot to accomplish challenges.


On-going Learning After Camp is Key

Highly valued in our summer camps is on-going learning. Challenging yourself to do something like this LEGO speed build can be a fun way to do it.

There are several books on Amazon to help advance your understanding and knowledge of LEGO Robotics and give you ideas for new builds. Below are a couple of books, you may find useful.


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