In a world of twitter and texting, it is not uncommon to find creative abbreviations for large words or series of phrases. But in the case of STEM, it is an abbreviation for a very large concept.
STEM has become a common acronym, particularly among policy advocates and government officials, to refer to the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. The term often used in relation to the United States’ economic competitiveness. It is also used when referring to the need for education programs in support of future generations.
STEM, started by Judith A. Ramaley, the former director of the National Science Foundation’s education and human-resources division. This approach to education revolutionizes the teaching of subject areas such as mathematics and science. It accomplishes this by incorporating technology and engineering into the regular curriculum. The STEM philosophy, is that creativity and innovativation, and problem solving should be part of learning. The main idea is that there needs to be an element of applied learning to education.
Our View on What is STEM
At Classroom Antics we agree that technology is more than just a field of study itself, it is also a way to bring creativity and understanding to other fields of study. We have also found in our camps and programs that kids also are able to use Stop Motion Animation technology to explore the Arts.
While some feel technology is something that should be taught when the kids are older. In contrast, many experts agree with the key to enhancing the United States’ competitiveness in STEM starts at the K-12 level. Since Classroom Antics creation back in 2007, we have developed our program offering focused on younger students ages 7-13. We have found that younger students have the ability to learn STEM using technology. In addition, they also want to learn from each other which fosters team-building skills in addition to STEM skills.
STEM is not a replacement for the three R’s, it is more like an extension of them. It is an attempt to acknowledge that in today’s world and more importantly for the future. Our children need a more well-rounded curriculum with exciting and innovative technology.