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What is the Hour of Code?

The Hour of Code is a worldwide initiative, during the week of December 9-15, 2013, to get children introduced to computer programming. It is designed to demystify what programming is (also known as coding) and show students that everyone can learn this life-long skill.


President Obama calls on Every American to Learn Code.


What is Programming?


Computer programming, or coding as many call it, is the process of writing a computer program to perform a certain task. It’s what we teach in Video Game Design camp (and Junior), LEGO Robotics camp (and Junior), and Computer Programming camp.

Programming can be telling how a traffic-light should operate. Programming can be instructing the doors at the grocery store to open when someone approaches the door and trips a motion sensor. Programming can be guiding precision medical instruments through the human body. Programming is all around us, automating everyday tasks, and allowing us to advance and accomplish things we couldn’t accomplish before.


Everyone Should Know How to Code

Everyone in this country should learn how to program a computer… Because it teaches you how to think. -Steve Jobs

How Can My Child Participate?


The Computer Science Education Week team has written curriculum for educators and home-school parents to show children how to write their first computer programs. Find lessons on programming your first computer program, creating a holiday card, building your own video game, and much more.

