2025 SUMMER CAMPS Registration is open for the 2025 summer camp season.


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2025 SUMMER CAMPS Registration is open for the 2025 summer camp season.
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28 Jun

Video Game Design for Kids, The New Way to Learn

Too much time spent playing video games! It might seem like a time-waster. But, kids who play video games can improve their focus and problem-solving skills, boost creativity and even reduce stress. Playing is great, but video game design is an even better way to channel your kid’s love of the game into a learning opportunity and […]


19 Jul

A Honeybee’s Helpful Robot

Drones could replace the honey bee. Most of us are aware of the honeybee crisis. The environmentally sustaining species – pollinating 80% of the world – have been dying out at a surprising rate. So, scientists in Japan have been working on a backup plan, just in case: Pollinator drones.   How Drones are Helping […]


19 Jul

Meet Forpheus, the Ping-Pong Playing Robot!

Robots can be fun too. Many people often think of robots as boring or tactical. However, Forpheus is the kind of robot you would want to have on your team.   Forpheus is a fun example of how robots can help improve human skills in tons of different tasks. It is a robotic ping-pong training […]


20 Jun

You Can Now Hold Hands With Your Loved Ones From Miles Away

Some people think augmented reality as a way for one person to interact with tech and avoid interacting with people. In contrast to that idea, developers at MIT have been working on ways to use augmented reality to help bring people closer.   Shapeshifting Augmented Reality Makes Your Shape a Reality At MIT, they’ve been […]


18 Jun

Machines Can Now Finish Rubik’s Cube Without a Human’s Help

The Rubik’s Cube, you may have solved one yourself or very likely at least seen someone else do it. Also, robot programs solve Rubik’s Cubes.   While programming a robot to solve a Rubik’s Cube is a challenging and amazing feat. That robot still needed the help of human-made algorithms to make all sides match. […]


22 Feb

Code Breakers

In Code Breakers after school engineering club, kids get a glimpse into the world of security engineers, exploring everything from how computers talk to each other to how things we do, say and wear sends a message. Think about all of the information you share on social media or other internet outlets each day. Security […]


27 Jan

Velcro Comes From Burrs! And Other Technologies Inspired By Nature

Velcro and other amazing inventions prove nature is the ultimate genius. As a result, when it comes to adapting, inventing, and solving problems nature is the best place to look. Time and time again, we look to nature for inspiration. Nature has inspired many daily use items like Velcro to highly advanced innovative technologies like […]


28 Apr

Kids Voluntarily Going to Summer School

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – Original Press Release   Cleveland, OH – Over 1,700 kids in Ohio age 7-13 are voluntarily signing up for summer school to take 15 hours of class to learn science, technology, engineering, art, and math (STEAM) skills. Any parent who has ever struggled to get a child to complete homework may […]


20 Oct

USA Missing at World Robot Olympiad

On November 18-20, 2011, Abu Dhabi will play host to the 8th annual World Robot Olympiad (WRO). World Robot Olympiad is an event where teams of three students, create, design, and build robot models using LEGO Mindstorm NXT. Teams compete in one of three competition categories guided by their teachers and coaches. This year over […]


17 Oct

New LEGO Robotics Sensor: Inertial Motion Unit

Classroom Antics is very excited to hear that Dexter Industries announced the release of a new sensor for LEGO MINDSTORMS. Dexter Industries is a leader in advanced sensors and peripherals. The sensor is a proper 6 Degree of Freedom (DOF) Inertial Motion Unit (IMU) sensor. Thus, it measures the rotation and acceleration of robots built […]